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Reptiles are already pretty cool-looking in their own right, but sometimes nature decides to make them just a little bit cooler by making them albino. And today we’re going to look at 10 of those beautiful reptiles who were born a bit different.

According to Wikipedia: albinism is the “congenital absence of any pigmentation or coloration in a person, animal or plant, resulting in white hair, feathers, scales and skin and pink eyes in mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish and other small invertebrates as well.”

A quick note is that oftentimes people will mistake leucistic animals for albino ones, and vice versa. While they may seem similar at first, there is a slight difference. Leucism is a condition in which there is a partial loss of pigmentation in an animal resulting in white, pale, or patchy coloration of the skin, hair, feathers, scales or cuticle, but not the eyes. Albino reptiles also tend to keep more yellow pigmentation if they already have some, whereas leucistic reptiles tend to be just white. So while the difference is minor, it is there and we’ll just be focusing on the albino reptiles for this article. Now let’s get on to the list!

Top 10 List – Albino Reptiles

1. Albino Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius)

Check out some more leopard gecko colors (morphs) here!

There are three variations when it comes to albino leopard geckos. The three strains are bell, tremper, and rainwater. The tremper albino was the first to be discovered in 1996. All three albino strains have different characteristics, but one common trait is a lack of blacks.

2. Albino Ball Python (Python regius)

Albino Ball Python
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Check out some more ball python colors (morphs) here and here!

Albino ball pythons are a mix of gorgeous yellows and whites, which really compliment each other and create a very sunny, cheerful-looking snake! Albino ball pythons also have gorgeous pinky-red eyes that are common for albino animals.

3. Albino Green Iguana (Iguana iguana)

Albino Green iguana
Albino Green Iguana
Source: Here

Instead of the usual bright green like many green iguanas, the albino green iguana is a gorgeous bright yellow color. The eyes are also a more orange color than their normal eye color. While the bright yellow may not help them in the wild, in captivity this bright yellow iguana is a stunning addition to any household.

4. Albino Crocodile (Crocodylinae)

Albino Crocodile

This gorgeous albino crocodile is missing its usual dark brown color, and instead is a gorgeous mix of whites and light pinks. These crocodiles’ eyes are also a gorgeous light pink color, really adding to the striking beauty of their albinism.

5. Albino Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis)

Albino Green Anole

As their name suggests, these adorable little anoles usually sport a bright green color. However, due to its albinism, this little one is a gorgeous pale yellow color. As is typical, the unique pink/red eyes can be seen as well.

6. Albino Tegu (Salvator merianae)

Albino Tegu

Instead of the usual black and white, this albino tegu has kept the white, but the black has been changed to a much paler color. Paired with gorgeous red eyes, this tegu is a dream reptile.

7. Albino Blue Tongue Skink (Tiliqua)

Albino Blue Tongue Skink
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Blue tongue skinks are generally a mix of blacks, greys, and browns. However, when born albino, they are a lot paler than usual. Gorgeous creams and light browns cover the body, while the eyes are the gorgeous pink we’ve come to love from albinos.

8. Albino Corn Snake (Pantherophis guttatus)

Albino Corn Snake
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Check out some more corn snake colors (morphs) here and here!

Albino corn snakes get to keep the gorgeous bright red coloring of their normal counterparts. However, instead of black, albinos have beautiful white scales that make the red pop even more. And to match their gorgeous red, they also have bright red eyes.

9. Red Eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans)

Albino Red Eared Slider

This albino red-eared slider has a beautiful pale yellow shell and a mix of pinks and yellows for its skin color. It still even has the “red ear” stripe, as usual, however, it is a bit pinker than a “normal” colored red-eared slider. Personally, I think the pink eyes really bring it all together to create an amazing-looking turtle!

10. Albino Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina)

Albino Common Snapping Turtle
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And last but not least on our list of albino reptiles, we have an albino snapping turtle. Snapping turtles are already pretty hard-core looking with their sharp beaks and spiky tails. Add in some albinism and you have an even cooler-looking turtle. Creamy yellow shells and skin mixed with pink eyes create the turtles pictured above.

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