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Red Eared Sliders are one of the most popular pet turtles in the pet trade, being found for sale all over the United States. While their natural coloration is most commonly found when looking to buy a red eared slider, these adorable turtles do have various morphs or colors for sale if you know where to look! So as usual, below is a photo of what a natural red eared slider looks like, and then we’ll get straight into the list!

Top 10 List – Red Eared Slider Morphs

1. Charcoal


The first morph on our list is the gorgeous charcoal morph. The name is pretty self explanatory – this morph creates a gorgeous turtle that is a charcoal color. Everything from the shell, the skin, and even the eyes are a gorgeous charcoal grey, and absolutely stunning.

2. Pied

Red Eared Slider Morphs – Pied

A favorite morph for any reptile, this is the pied morph. Pied (or piebald) is when an animal has patches of white, along with patches of other colors, like the natural coloring of the animal. The gorgeous turtle pictured has large patches of white along the body, smaller patches on the shell, and more natural coloring for the rest of the body.

3. Pastel


The pastel morph produces a turtle with normal coloration, just slightly lighter. In this case, the red eared slider has a gorgeous mix of pale greens and yellow, and gorgeous light green eyes.

4. Hypo Pastel

Red Eared Slider Morphs – Hypo Pastel

The hypo pastel is similar to the pastel morph in the sense that the colors are more pastel and lighter than in a natural colored red eared slider. Less green, and more yellow covers the turtles body, however the shell and top of the head have more of that gorgeous orangey-red color than a normal or even pastel red eared slider.

5. Albino

Red Eared Slider Morphs – Albino

See More Albino Reptiles Here

Albino reptiles are absolutely gorgeous, and the albino red eared slider is no exception. Lacking green pigmentation, albino red eared sliders are a mix of pale yellows, creams and pinks, with reddy-pink eyes. The red patch behind the eyes that give the red eared slider it’s name are still there, but instead of red they are a darker pink color.

6. Caramel Pink

Red Eared Slider Morphs – Caramel Pink

Another one of the more unique morphs – number 6 on our list is the caramel pink morph. The shell of this morph is a beautiful caramel color, while the skin of the turtle is a gorgeous light pink color. The underneath of a shell is a creamy white. Darker colored eyes also really pop and stand out against the rest of this gorgeous turtle.

7. Golden Leucistic

Red Eared Slider Morphs – Golden Leucistic

As the name suggests, these red eared sliders are a gorgeous golden color. Everything from their eyes, shell, skin, and nails are a bright golden yellow, creating a turtle that really stands out.

8. Lubino

Red Eared Slider Morphs – Lubino

The lubino morph is a combination of both albino and leucistic. By mixing the two together, you get a morph that is even paler in color, and has less pink tones than a regular albino.

9. Hybino


A hybino red eared slider is a morph that is a hybrid between albino and normal. Various patches of albino and regular coloring come together to create an extremely unique looking turtle that anyone interested in red eared sliders would love to have.

10. Ghost


And last but not least we have the ghost morph, which is absolutely gorgeous. Even paler than regular pastel, and less intense than hypo pastel, this morph is absolutely gorgeous.

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