When people think of snake morphs, most people think of ball pythons, corn snakes and other common snakes that are kept as pets. But some people do keep venomous snakes as pets (which is not the right option for everyone – research first!), and have even created some morphs for these gorgeous rattlesnakes. As always, below is what a natural western diamondback rattlesnake looks like in the wild. Now, let’s get to the fun part – the western diamondback rattlesnake morphs!
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Top 10 List – Western Diamondback Morphs
1. Caramel Albino
The first morph, and the first of two albino morphs, is the caramel albino morph. There is the typical trait of albino in this morph – lack of melanin pigment in the skin. The caramel albino morph, as the name suggests, has gorgeous creamy caramels and yellow colors making up the patterns on the snake.
2. Ivory Albino
The second albino morph is the ivory albino. Instead of the more creamy yellows and caramels of the first morph, this snake is a lot paler and more of an ivory/cream white. An absolutely gorgeous morph.
3. Purple Haze
This gorgeous morph is a mix of gorgeous purples, lavenders, and soft creamy yellows. This creates a beautifully contrasting, and simply gorgeous animal.
4. Melanistic
Opposite of the albino morphs, we have the melanistic morph! This morph has extra pigment, making for a gorgeous black snake.
5. Scaleless
Perhaps one of the most unique morphs on the list, we have the scaleless morph. While this snake looks a bit funny and would not fare well in the wild – in captivity this snake will be able to be looked after so it stays healthy.
6. Blood Diamond
This rare western diamondback snake pictured above is a gorgeous deep red color. This beautiful red morph makes this western diamondback resemble another rattlesnake – the red diamondback rattlesnake. While very similar looking, they are different snakes.
7. White Sided
This unique morph is extra cool because it just affects the sides of the snake, turning them a gorgeous bright white color, while keeping the original color on the top of the snake.
8. Patternless
Last but not least on our list of western diamondback morphs we have the gorgeous patternless morph. While western diamondback rattlesnakes have gorgeous natural patterns, it is cool to see this stunning snake in one solid color!
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