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The 21 Species of the Wonderful Looking Leaf Tailed Geckos 11 Exciting Facts About The Small Cuvier’s Dwarf Caiman 10 Fascinating Costa Rican Reptiles You’ll Love Nine Favorite Reptiles That Are Great For First-Time Pets 10 Interesting Species Of The Stunning Arboreal Alligator Lizards

10 Rainbow Reptiles That Are Sure To Amaze You

Especially with the addition of new morphs all the time, reptiles can come in what feels like every single color in the rainbow. In fact – some of them even include the entire rainbow, and have an iridescent rainbow sheen to them. Check out our article to see which reptiles made the list!

10 Amazing Rattlesnakes That We Share The Earth With

Rattlesnakes are a unique group of venomous vipers. As their name implies, they have a rattle at the end of their tails that they use as a warning to predators. While some rattlesnakes such as diamondback and timber rattlesnakes are more well known, there are actually a large group of different rattlesnakes out there! These beauties are best admired from afar, but still worth learning about. Check out the article to learn about 10 rattlesnakes we share the earth with.