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The 21 Species of the Wonderful Looking Leaf Tailed Geckos 11 Exciting Facts About The Small Cuvier’s Dwarf Caiman 10 Fascinating Costa Rican Reptiles You’ll Love Nine Favorite Reptiles That Are Great For First-Time Pets 10 Interesting Species Of The Stunning Arboreal Alligator Lizards

The 7 Gorgeous Sea Turtles Of The World

Turtles are amazing reptiles, and the group of sea turtles are no exception. Green sea turtles and loggerheads are the turtles most think of when thinking about sea turtles, but there are still 5 different types out there to learn about! Keep reading to check out the list and sea what other turtles we share the ocean with.

10 Gorgeous Red Eared Slider Morphs

Red Eared Sliders are one of the most popular pet turtles in the pet trade, being found for sale all over the United States. While their natural coloration is most commonly found when looking to buy a red eared slider, these adorable turtles do have various morphs or colors for sale if you know where to look!